From 18 to 20 April, Oviedo will host the XI National Congress of SESSEP under the slogan “Educate with simulation to improve and innovate in health”. The event includes courses, round tables and visits to facilities, highlighting the importance of clinical simulation in healthcare education.

From 18 to 20 April, simulation enthusiasts are invited to an exceptional event: the XI National Congress of the Spanish Society of Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety (SESSEP) in Oviedo.
Under the slogan “Educate with simulation to improve and innovate in health“, the congress starts with pre-congress courses on 17 April. Fundamental courses such as the acquisition of basic competencies, Patient Safety, E-CRM and the day of simulation technicians will be an excellent preamble to the main event that will begin on 18 April at the General Hospital of Oviedo.
The morning of 18 April will begin with a free visit to the headquarters of Salvamento Marítimo and the Brigada de Salvamento Minero, places where simulation training is crucial. In addition, there will be networking with different hospitals.
The opening lecture of the 11th SESSEP National Congress on the afternoon of 18 April will be given by Dr. Michaela Kolbe, Director of the Simulation Centre of the University Hospital Zurich and author of several scientific articles. This will be followed by the first round table on “Simulation in the curriculum of the Scientific Societies“, a space for exchange between SESSEP and the Scientific Societies that incorporate clinical simulation in their programmes, addressing their training, activities and much more.
April 19th will start with a round table discussion on “Simulation as a requirement in specialised healthcare training“, delving into specialised healthcare training and exploring the crucial role of clinical simulation in these educational programmes.
Lunch on 19 April will be followed by the highly interesting third panel on “Biomedical engineering applied to simulation in healthcare“. This panel will explore the technological advances in clinical simulation together with biomedical engineering, featuring expert speakers who use it in their daily activity.
Finally, on the morning of 20 April, the last round table on “Patient safety and the human factor: searching for evidence” will be held. This day will also host the Health Sciences Degree Students’ Day, where various simulation scenarios will be developed.
Throughout the congress, nearly 200 oral communications, VideoSim and E-poster will be presented, giving attendees the opportunity to learn first-hand about the various activities carried out in Simulation Units throughout Spain.
If you are interested in attending the Congress, you can register at:
See you at #sessep24!
Link for speakers: