Tag: Simzine n4

Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE


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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Talking about SIMMED

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Gavinia Porcu
Gavinia Porcu

What is hidden below! Moulage and more

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Federico Moro
Federico Moro

Simulation and engines… joys and sorrows!

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Ciro Esposito
Ciro Esposito

Simulation strategies for surgeons of the new millennium

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Silvia Bressan, between medical practice and simulation

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Antonio Ciambrone
Antonio Ciambrone

A Simulation Center… in order!

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Edoardo Toledo
Edoardo Toledo

Diversity enriches. In simulation and beyond!

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Gabriella Andriolo
Gabriella Andriolo

When virtual anatomy is a discovery

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Pier Luigi Ingrassia
Pier Luigi Ingrassia

The role exchange in the scenarios

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Simulation sits at the table

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Pier Luigi Ingrassia
Pier Luigi Ingrassia

Stop talking about simulation courses!

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Rosaria Lea
Rosaria Lea

Simulated or standardized patient: 10 tips to get the most out of it

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Alessandro Raffaele
Alessandro Raffaele

Simulation in confined spaces: the challenge of pediatric surgery

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Emanuele Capogna
Emanuele Capogna

In simulation, emotions are real

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Why Hospitals Should Fly: The Ultimate Flight Plan to Patient Safety and Quality Care

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