From an Australian idea, a smart modular solution that incorporates various features to simulate the patient monitor. Today we talk about iSimulate.
The use of electromedical devices in simulation is not always a winning choice, especially in the case of a simulated patient since it is not possible to simulate a symptomatology that can only be detected through real patient monitoring.
iSimulate proposes a smart solution called REALTi360, a real modular ecosystem that incorporates several features:
– patient simulator
– CPR feedback
– parameter monitoring
– video transmission

The REALTi360 bag faithfully replicates (in a somewhat simplified way) that of a real defibrillator monitor. As for the cables for patient monitoring, inside we find the complete set which includes electrodes (3 and 7 Dev), adhesive plates, pressure cuff, SpO2 and EtCO2 sensors, Powerbank, Router and 2 iPads. The equipment varies slightly between REALTi Go, Plus and Pro; the latter also includes various accessories for video shooting.
REALTi360 consists of an Access Point, used for the Apple TV and 4 iPads, a 12.9 ” one which will be the actual defibrillator display and three others, generally smaller, which are used to operate the different modes:
– Simulation
– Controller
– Medical records
– Video camera
From the first screen, by selecting Monitor, Defibrillator or Ventilators we can see a wide range of interfaces of real electromedicals such as Zoll, LifePak, Philips, and so on.
The learner side interface is fully interactable, just like in real life: in fact the start is not automatic, but it will be necessary to press the dedicated button or move the knob as in reality.
In this screen, besides the possibility of interacting with the medical device, the learner will be able to view reports and analysis that the instructor will send from the “controller” tablet.

Once the Controller is connected to the Simulator, it will be possible to use all the RALTi360 functions. In a single screen, from the left, you have control over the various steps of the scenario, vital parameters, patient data and medical records, and control of the duration of the simulation.

It is possible to open a dedicated screen for each vital parameter and then go into detail.
REALTi360 by iSimulate has a rather complete set of reports and ECG rhythms: in fact, considering this area, it is the most complete simulator on the market at the moment.
Patient Simulator
Together with the video part, it is possible to dedicate an iPad to reading the complete medical record of the patient. * Without the latter, exams will be streamed full screen on the defibrillator monitor. *

From the control screen it will be possible to send the reports to the Simulator monitor, by selecting the sources from the existing reports in the system or from your iPad gallery.
In addition, it is possible to create all blood tests and enter general patient data.
In any simulation environment it is always good practice to record the entire scenario. REALTi360 allows you to shoot the scenario including the vital parameters that it extrapolates from the defibrillator monitor. To broadcast everything, simply connect the Apple TV to the access point (to which the monitor and controller are already connected) and activate Mirroring to Apple TV on the iPad “Video”.

REALTi360 by iSimulate is more than a simple simulator, it literally is a useful workstation on various occasions such as simulations with a simulated patient, the use of old mannequins whose software is now obsolete, for example the ALS 4000, or to get a feeling of real use of a defibrillator without compromising the safety of learners, which is fundamental in this work environment.
Obviously, the main use (and also the most realistic) is as a simulator of a defibrillator: any other feature, that is, the patient simulator and reception of reports, in the case you already have a well-structured simulation room and a well-defined simulation methodology, takes a back seat.
Given the wide range of rhythms, I started using REAlTi360 to generate 12-lead ECGs without having to keep looking in Google Images.
I want to clarify that what you have seen in the images is the first version produced by iSimulate. To date the bag is completely different, you can find more information on the iSimulate official website.

– Ease of use and configuration
– All iSimulate kits are very complete, it is not necessary to add any accessories
– Basically plug-n-play also thanks to the Apple system
– Suitable for any American Heart Association and ERC certified scenario

– Not very cheap, there are other much less expensive alternatives such as SimMon and Trucorp trumonitor, if only the monitor management feature is needed on the simulation and instructor side, without accessories and iPad included.
– The 9.7 ” iPad feels a bit tight for the control interface
– Only available on iOS