We are now just a short time away from the start of SIMULUS, the annual meeting of PediSTARS, and it’s expected to be the largest conference about simulation in India
SIMULUS 8th Annual National Conference of PediSTARS in Healthcare Simulation, which will be held from 23rd to 26th of September 2023 at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, West Bengal, India. Several international and national simulation experts in the medical and non-medical fields are expected to conduct plenary sessions, workshops, simwars and parallel courses.

PediSTARS (Pediatric Simulation Training and Research Society of India) is a Non-Profit Organization, founded in 2013. It has played a key role in implementing paediatric simulation by conducting various workshops, conferences across India to improve patient care. PediSTARS received the SSH Presidential award in the USA in 2018. Since its inception it has played a key role in taking forward simulation-based interventions in paediatric health care. PediSTARS took forward its mission of promoting the use of simulation by conducting various workshops, conferences in different parts of the country as well as globally with the aim of improving the quality of prehospital and hospital care to sick children via simulation-based education.
PediSTARS conducts Annual National Conferences (SIMULUS) which see attendance of various International and National simulation experts. PediSTARS has worked successfully in conducting various simulation-based courses across India such as Faculty Development Program (FDP), Simulation Training in Emergency Pediatrics (STEP), Simulation of Critical Care Emergencies (SUCCESS), Newborn Emergencies (NEO SIM) and SIMULATHON over the last 10+ years to promote the use of simulation at bedside. PediSTARS has also reached out to the community to simulate training of public and police, teachers and students through its active bleeding control (ABC) for the past four years. PediSTARS launched a country wide tele-simulation program in collaboration with Laerdal – Simulation Training in Pediatric and Neonatal Emergencies (SPAN-T). PediSTARS received the international best research award for the sepsis tele-simulation project conducted in collaboration with CMC Vellore. The society is affiliated to Society of Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), International Pediatric Simulation Society (IPSS) and the INSPIRE (International Network for Simulation based Pediatric Research, Innovation & Education.)

Welcome to another SIMULUS, the largest healthcare conference in India