The Medical Simulation Center of the University Hospital of Pisa tells first-hand about activities, projects and collaborations.
I will gladly introduce myself.
My name is Center for Medical Simulation of the University Hospital of Pisa (AOUP).
I am lucky to be born into a large family with important parents, many brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews and friends (AOUP has about 5,500 employees).
I was officially born in 2015 (DG resolution), but they had been looking for me for several years, so imagine the joy when the birth certificate was drawn up.
Think that at the beginning I only had 5 brothers and one sister, today I have 28 (instructors).
How much my parents worked to expand the family.
Also in 2015, I made a blood pact with an older American brother who became a true international star called the American Heart Association.
I grew up fast, I studied, I worked, but above all my passion, that of my brothers and sisters, allowed me to achieve goals that were unimaginable at first.
Now I want to proudly present to you my goals, achievements and future plans.
My aim is undoubtedly to train health professionals in critical areas using simulation as a training technique.
In my training catalog there are mainly three types of activities.
The entire series of AHA courses (BLSD, ACLS, ACLS EP, PALS, PEARS) with which operators have the opportunity to learn international guidelines. I am responsible and I cannot think that a doctor or a nurse works out of habit, without knowing the guidelines. I love my important foreign brother AHA because it gives the possibility to learn the patterns with simulation (too boring patterns to be read on paper).
My health professional must know how to do things, they must learn to move their hands, they must learn technical skills, from the simplest such as inserting a nasogastric tube, to the most complex such as ECMO assistance.
I have a very large catalog where doctors and nurses can practice, make mistakes, try again, do better and above all remember their mistakes and try not to repeat them in a real patient.
But with these two types of training I would have created an operator all head, full of guidelines, and all muscle, with jugulars, drills, catheters, but completely inadequate to handle emergencies.
Emergencies are done in teams and teams have to be assembled.
But with these two types of training I would have created an operator all head, full of guidelines, and all muscle, with jugulars, drills, catheters, but completely inadequate to handle emergencies.
Emergencies are done in teams and teams have to be assembled.
Here is my great goal: build a team, try to teach how to work together, teach how to speak a common language, teach that human beings are not perfect, they are not infallible but make mistakes and mistakes in our profession are LIFE.
I have dedicated myself to human errors, non-technical skills and in my catalog I have CRM (Crisis Resource Management) as a training model. A model that allowed me to expand my large family and work alongside members of the airlines, from flight attendants to pilots.
However, I couldn’t stay locked up in my big building so I decided to go out, make friends with the population, with the citizens and teach them how to save lives (BLSD courses, anti-asphyxiation maneuvers, first aid, stop the bleed).
I have coincided with my Region (Tuscany Region) and we have carried out training projects in other countries. Currently I often go to Albania for the formation of a territorial emergency system.
As you can see I am extroverted, I like to make friends with everyone.
So being friends with SIMZINE is a real pleasure because he is also outgoing, friendly, passionate…