Medical professionalism e costruzione dell’identità professionale negli studenti di medicina

Licia Montagna
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Medical professionalism e costruzione dell’identità professionale negli studenti di medicina

Licia Montagna, Fabrizio Consorti

Franco Angeli, 2022

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Professionalism, i.e. the set of knowledge, languages ​​and ethical values ​​that guide the medical profession, is a theme that is increasingly emerging in professional practice and teaching. The constant progress of medicine and the changing social expectations towards doctors require constant updating and revision of medical curricula, which have already changed a lot in the last 30 years.

This book fills a void in the clinical landscape and proposes training in professionalism as a construction of professional identity. It is both a study manual for students and a teaching tool for teachers. The more than 20 chapters cover a variety of topics (philosophical, psychological, technological and social), including the use of simulation for the development of a mature professional identity in students.

SIMZINE wants to donate to its readers 2 copies of the book ‘Medical professionalism and the construction of the professional identity of medical students’. To get the book, register on and send an email to with the subject ‘Professionalità medica’. If you like, drop us a line about who you are and why you’re interested in the topic.


Licia Montagna

Licia Montagna

Office for Medical Education - Faculty Development Coordinator Humanitas University View all Posts

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