The SIMMED National Congress 2023 will be held on 12-13 October at the Congress Centre of the San Martino Hospital in Genoa. Discover with us the main topics, activities and speakers of the event.
The 2023 edition of the congress of the Italian Society of SIMulation in Medicine (SIMMED) will be held in Genoa, from 12 to 13 October, at the Centro Congressi Ospedale San Martino CBA. The event is aimed at tutors of degree courses in the health professions, teachers, all doctors and nurses involved in training, specialists in simulation technologies, psychologists and experts in adult education, students in the health area and companies and start-ups in the sector.
The strength of the event is precisely its ability to bring together at one time and in one place, generations of professionals to share knowledge and visions and offer them an essential experience in cultural and professional development. Various topics will be presented: from in situ simulation to acting techniques applied to simulated patients, from the use of Artificial Intelligence to laparoscopy with virtual simulations, passing through life skills as tools for facilitators to the training of professionalism through simulation.
To put it in numbers, this year’s edition will feature 37 different sessions including workshops and quick focuses that will engage some 70 tutors and speakers from 13 different simulation centres or laboratories from all over Italy and beyond. There will be two keynote speakers: Prof. Fabrizio Bracco from the University of Genoa and the current president of the European Simulation Society, Portuguese Francisco Maio Matos. The most important technological innovations in the sector will be presented in the exhibition area thanks to the presence of the main Italian industrial players and distributors, such as Accurate, Laerdal Medical Italia, Nume Plus, Simulkare, and Lorenzatto.
SIMZINE will be the official media partner of the congress. We look forward to seeing you! For more info and registrations, please visit
The SIMMED congress, more than any other meeting occasion, represents the ‘family reunion’ of the various simulation centres operating in Italy. We experience the pleasure of being together, of telling each other about our struggles, successes, and why not ‘wounds’: from all this springs the magical glue that makes us grow together. In perfect and deliberate line with the training methodology of simulation, which is typically a ‘learning by doing’,the congress gives little space to ‘words’ in favour of activities; in fact, the times and spaces of the congress are almost completely occupied by interactive workshops,in which to acquire new skills by pooling the progress and innovations that the various centres, research groups and companies have made from one congress to the next. Oral presentations are organised in the form of ‘quick focuses’ during which those who have experimented with a new technology or an innovative training modality present it in the field with the aim of receiving all useful comments to improve and advance the experience presented. The number of proposals and participants has been very high, so much so that we have had to schedule activities not only at the Congress Centre, but also at SIMAV itself, which is only a few hundred metres away, where we will host workshops in the ‘cathlab’ area (endovascular procedures) and mobile simulation (ambulance first aid).
Genoa, and the SIMAV Centre in particular, are very proud to be the venue for the SIMMED 2023 congress. Considering that this is our centre’s twelfth year, we are participating in the preparation of the event as if it were a ‘career award’ but also as a great opportunity for further growth. The SIMAV is structured in two wings: consider them two big open arms, ready to welcome all the friends who want to be with us … even the Genoese, famous for being rather reserved and not very expansive, will know how to welcome you with the warmth that only true friendships can give, I promise!

Marco Raggio
– Director of the Center for Simulation and Advanced Training (SimAv) at the University of Genoa

Giancarlo Torre
– Honorary President of the Simulation and Advanced Training Centre (SimAv) of the University of Genoa
SIMMED 2023 Congress
Congress moments:
- Magisterial Readings, Quick Focus and Workshops
Thematic Areas:
- Simulation Didactics: Scenario Construction, Bereavement Management, Role Play, the Simulated Patient Simulation
- Methods: Simulation in Situ, SimZone, video-debriefing, the Ambulance environment Simulation
- Technology: the Môulage, low cost resources, the Digital
- New frontiers of Simulation: the support of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Robotics.
- Tools for training, observation, evaluation and debriefing: Non-Technical skills, Life skills, Emergencies-Team Competecies
- Simulation in the Clinic: microneurosurgery, interventional cardiology, radiology, transthoracic echocardiographic imaging, minimally invasive surgery, etc.
- Simulation for Professional Training
- Projects for Patient Safety and Networking
- 3 plenary sessions (2 with keynotes + 1 sponsored)

Fabrizio Bracco – Associate Professor in Work and Organisational Psychology at the University of Genoa
‘Innovations in education’

Francisco Maio Matos – President SESAM
“The role of simulation for the sustainability of the healthcare system”
- 10 sections each of 3 workshops and/or quick focuses to be held in parallel.
- Specifically: 25 workshops (duration 1 h) and 12 quick focuses (duration 20 min).
- 70 speakers (both Italian and international, coming from Portugal, Germany, USA, Switzerland).
- 13 simulation centres represented