The next FLASIC and RENASIM congress will be held in Cancun and will bring together numerous experts from Latin America, Spain and the USA.
Cancun, 17-20 May 2023. These are the place and date of the VII Latin American Congress on Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety, organised by FLASIC, which will also coincide with the I Congress of the National Network of Clinical Simulation Educators RENASIM. The latter is a Mexican society that is a member of FLASIC, a federation that brings together simulation societies from all over Latin America.
During the event, entitled “Excellence in Simulation-Based Education“, numerous experts from Latin America, Spain and the United States will present their experiences and provide valuable academic content.
One of the main protagonists of the congress will be innovation, both technological and methodological. In fact, topics such as the use of virtual patients and Metaverse in clinical training will be addressed, and the self-assessment tool for the certification of a simulation centre in Latin America, designed by FLASIC simulation experts, will be presented. It is worth noting that during the call period FLASIC received more than 100 scientific papers (original research, experience and innovation reports) from all over Latin America, submitted in Spanish, Portuguese or English.
The event will open on 17 May with a pre-congress workshop day, for which a proposal and selection process was launched with more than 20 applicants.
The morning session workshops will include talks on simulation in nursing, the best debriefing techniques, Moulage and how to successfully manage a simulation centre.
In the afternoon there will be: Crisis Resource Management (CRM), Role of successful simulation teams, Accreditation of Clinical Simulation Centres, Development of synthetic skin and low cost simulation, Design of Rubrics in simulation, Design and validation of simulation assessment tools.
From 18 to 20 May, the congress itself will take place, with a rich programme of sessions given by the most prestigious voices in the field of clinical simulation.

Among the most distinguished speakers will be Ana Catalina Leandro, coordinator of the simulation hospital at the Universidad Hispanoamericana de Costa Rica and one of the authors of the FLASIC accreditation model, who on the 19th will introduce the self-assessment tool for the certification of a simulation centre in Latin America. Other participants will be Adrián Martínez, Soledad Armijo, Diego Andrés Diaz, José Luis García Galaviz, Esther León, Sara Morales, Federico Ferrero, Thomaz Bittencourt Couto, Alvaro Priale, Juan Manuel Fraga and Demian Szyld, emergency physician at the Boston Medical Center and associate professor at the Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, who will present the closing lecture on the 20th.
The congress is a crucial moment to exchange knowledge, create networks and consolidate the Latin American simulationist community, so you can’t miss it: as the FLASIC motto says, if you’re not here, we’re not all here!