Michael Moneypenny
A balance of the last years and transition of leadership
It was once declared that “History is dead!” Of course, events over the past couple of years have shown that this is certainly not the case. As the world turns and times change so does the presidency of ASPiH. The last two years have seen an expansion in membership, two very successful conferences and further benefits to our members such as webinars and Twitter chats. We have also said goodbye to some executive committee members and welcomed new ones. Their hard work along with our operations manager, Donna Major, make ASPiH possible. Although I get to write this little piece, they and you, our members, deserve all the praise. I know how hard the last few years have been for many frontline health and social care staff. And for those who have lost loved ones to Covid-19. I am grateful that you continue to support us in supporting you to deliver effective, efficient, high-quality education, training and systems improvement. I cannot commend the next President enough to you. Colette Laws-Chapman has been the driving force behind the last few conferences. Her dedication is matched by her wit and sense of humour. I look forward to continuing to support her and you in the years to come.
Yours sincerely,
Micheal Moneypenny
ASPiH president
All Things Being Equitable: Diversity, inclusion and simulation
ASPiH, the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (https://aspih.org.uk), are delighted to be included in this month’s SIMZINE to share our upcoming conference and opportunities for the healthcare simulation community.

We are about to host our 13th ASPiH conference, our first face to face event since the 2020 pandemic, at the Hilton Metropole, Birmingham, England on the 6th to 8th November 2022.
Our conference, All Things Being Equitable: Diversity, inclusion and simulation offers us an opportunity to promote, strengthen, share and have meaningful reflections on the ways we can all work to improve and transform health and care for our patients and staff.
As simulation practitioners, who strive to provide psychological safety in our everyday practice, we aim for our conference to be the ideal space to get us talking more about the ways we might use, or experience simulation to talk about equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), the culture and values, the hidden curriculum and some of the inequalities and biases that exist in healthcare and healthcare simulation. We aim for conference 2022 to be the place that can help us all develop our understanding of how factors such as course design, language and faculty composition affect EDI as well as find out the latest innovations from our industry partners, both included within the programme and in the exhibition hall, presenters and Special Interest Groups.
The programme incorporates 4 pre-conference masterclasses, offering an in-depth opportunity to explore topics with subject matter experts, 6 plenary lectures, 22 sessions for abstract presentations, and 17 interactive workshops for all levels of simulationist including an ASPiH Special Interest Group (SIG) strand. And if you like something different – we have an Escape Room challenge for you!
To support our EDI theme, we have introduced registration rates this year that are based on income brackets; those who earn the least will be paying less this year than they did at our last face to face conference. Those who earn the most will be paying a bit more. We hope that this shows our commitment to increasing accessibility to our events.
It’s not too late to register your attendance – find out more and book here https://www.aspihconference.co.uk/register/
ASPiH 2022 is 3 days of interactive networking and learning opportunities activities. Why not book a few extra days and also visit Birmingham and the local areas https://www.aspihconference.co.uk/whats-nearby/
Thank you to the Scientific and Programme Committees for their contributions to ASPiH 2022!
Colette Laws-Chapman

Cristina Diaz-Navarro
Cristina Diaz-Navarro, on behalf of the Standards Working Group at ASPiH
I am delighted to have joined ASPiH’s Executive Committee this year, and proud to be able to contribute to an exciting development: the review of the standards.
The ASPiH standards provide guidance for faculty, activity and resources in Simulation Education and Training. They are being updated following an internal review which took place last year. Our aim is to ensure that our reviewed standards meet the current needs of simulation faculty and learners, and reflect the way that simulation technology and practice continue to evolve internationally, with a renewed focus on interprofessional simulation as well as equity, diversity and inclusion.
We are open to contributions to the development process and/or the review of the updated document, either during the current consultation period or at the ASPiH Annual Conference itself, which this year will be held in Birmingham. If you are interested, please contact us through membership@aspih.org.uk.
Hoping to see you soon!
Paul O’Connor, on behalf of the Standards Working Group at ASPiH
What is ASPIH accreditation?
ASPiH awards accreditation to simulation educators, organisations, and programmes. Accreditation is a demonstration that best practices in simulation-based education (SBE) are being followed.

What do I need to be ASPiH accredited?
To become accredited, individuals and organisations should be:
· delivering simulated-based education;
· able to provide evidence to support their application;
· able to meet the requirements of the standards for accreditation;
and · have either individual ASPiH membership or institutional membership whichever is appropriate to the application.
How do I become ASPiH accredited?
You need to complete an application, and provide evidence that you meet the required standards for accreditation. If you are applying for organisational accreditation, then there is also a need for a site visit and interviews with stakeholders about the SBE activities carried out by the organisation.
Why should I and/or my organisation become ASPiH accredited?
Accreditation demonstrates that you and/or your organisation are delivering SBE that is consistent with best practice. This is certainly beneficial from a reputation perspective. However, it also assures all stakeholders in healthcare that a high quality SBE is provided by the organisation or educator who holds the award.
Where can I get more information on ASPiH accreditation?
On aspih.org.uk/accreditation/
Paul O’Connor
Keynote & State-of-the-Art Speakers
Day 1 – 7th of November

Eve Purdy
Emergency Medicine Physician and Applied Anthropologist, Gold Coast University Hospital, Australia
Looking inward to improve – equity, diversity, and inclusivity in simulation
Karen Szauter
Assistant Dean, Office of Educational Affairs and Professor, Department of Internal Medicine / Division of Gastroenterology, The University of Texas Medical Branch, USA
Simulated Patients – Are we Optimizing their Roles in Education?

Sandeep Ganni
Director of Smart Lab, GSL Medical college, India.
Integrating cultural dynamics for effective training in simulation
Day 2 – 8th of November

Steve Shorrock
Human Factors and Safety Specialist, EUROCONTROL and Editor-in-Chief of HindSight
Navigating the New Reality

Dawn Benson
National Investigator, Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB)
Lauren Morgan
Chartered Human Factors specialist, Director, Morgan Human Systems
Formula to safety: more than the sum of its parts
For more information on the programme: http://www.aspihconference.co.uk/programme/