The Erasmus project + Beyond the Emergency dedicated to medical simulation and the remote management of chronic diseases.
The online Course “Management of Chronic Diseases through Telemedicine ” designed for the Erasmus project “BeEmTel – Beyond the Emergency. Telecare for Non-communicable disease through Simulation Techniques” (2021-2024) started on May 15, 2023 on the distance education platform managed by SIMNOVA.
The Partnership consists of 5 European countries and 7 public institutions: the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO-Novara, Italy), which is leading the Project, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità with the National Center for Telemedicine and New Care Technologies (ISS-Rome, Italy), The Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU-Munich, Germany), the University of Thessaly (UTH-Larissa, Greece), the Department for Emergency Situations of the Romanian Ministry of the Interior (DSU-Bucharest, Romania), the George Emile Paladi University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology (UMFST-Targu Mures, Romania), and the University of Applied Medical Sciences (ZVU-Zagreb, Croatia).

The Project started in December 2021 and after 20 months of activity it organized two online multiplayer events that had a large following among students and involved various stakeholders including university institutions, industry associations, foundations, and private companies operating in the field of Medical Simulation and Telemedicine, such as the Santa Lucia Foundation in Rome, Istituto Maugeri in Brescia, the German company Cosinuss, and the multinational company CISCO.
The pillars on which the BeEmTel European higher education project BeEmTel rests are the Novara Simulation Center SIMNOVA of the University of Eastern Piedmont and the Human Simulation Centre of the Institute of Emergency Medicine at the University Clinic of the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, where two immersive weeks reserved for a selected group of 50 students It will be a really tough selection for the Partnership considering the high number of enthusiastic registrations that the e-Course has reached from the 5 European countries.

More than 50 lecturers are available for BeEmTel‘s motivated learners, both for traditional distance learning lectures and special Telesimulation videos. Some lecturers interpreted the telesimulation in a creative and innovative way, a distance learning method that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront in the most prestigious universities, and which BeEmTel has developed according to the principles of inclusiveness, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Remote monitoring of diabetic patients, apps and devices for neurological rehabilitation, nursing care for heart failure patients, debriefing, interventions in emergency medicine, are some of the topics also addressed in telesimulation. Obesity, cardiovascular disease, telenephrology, teleradiology, empathic communication in the doctor-patient relationship at a distance, are other topics addressed with traditional distance lectures, enhanced by slides, multilingual abstracts, self-assessment questionnaires.

The project features about 30 Associate Partners, including SESAM, who are committed to disseminating the conferences open to the public and the project’s products, such as the forthcoming Digital Toolkit, which will be a freely downloadable handbook containing the Course’s training experiences, selection of materials, abstracts, reports, and images. For more information and Youtube links to all events we refer to
Heartfelt thanks to those responsible for the Partnership, starting with Scientific Director Prof. Gianluca Aimaretti (UPO), and continuing with Romanian Undersecretary of State Raed Arafat (DSU), Professors Francesco Gabbrielli (ISS), Marc Lazarovici (LMU), Cristian Boeriu (UMFST), Evangelos Fradelos (UTH), and Snježana Čukljiek (ZV). Special thanks to SIMNOVA, Director Francesco Della Corte, Aurora Falcone and Antonio Scalogna.