Becoming a simfluencer to spread the use of simulation and generate networks among the simulationists: the purpose of Serendipio.
Hello, how are you? My name is Serendipio, I was born in 2021 within the framework of the V Chilean Simulation Congress. My purpose is the dissemination of simulation and the generation of networks among simulationists in all areas, health or educational institutions. Let me tell you that this invitation has delighted me, since it allows me to show all the beautiful places that I have visited and the friends that I have made through my account
@serendipiosimfluencer on Instagram.

EL 8,9 y 10 de Septiembre, se realizó el Congreso de Simulación clínica, Simulation Using Network (SUN), en el Hospital Sirio-Libanes de Sao Paulo, Brasil.

It was an incredible experience, the return to face-to-face after two years apart, being able to share in one space all the learning, challenges and innovations that the simulationists carried out during this hard period. In addition, learn about equipment specifically developed to support distance education for undergraduate students.

The beginning was unexpected; they took us all to live an immersive experience of augmented reality on stage in the clinical care of a patient. It allowed us to see (everyone who were present and those who were connected online) how we can generate meaningful learning experiences, in virtual environments, with clinical decision-making, in a safe learning context.
We were together with world-renowned figures learning, for example, the experience of the “Gordon Center” at the University of Miami in training emergency rapid response teams, identifying threats to patient safety. Their experience was enriching. It opens a space for reflection from its initial message
“saving lives through simulation technology”.
Presenta un desafío para las instituciones de salud que hoy no cuentan con espacios de entrenamiento dentro de ellas, sobre cómo podemos trasladar el aprendizaje desde el centro al siguiente nivel en la simulación in-situ y mock codes para entrenar a nuestros equipos de trabajo y seguridad del paciente. Me encantó la posibilidad de estar en talleres, que no solo hablaron de la metodología, sino que incorporaron temas fundamentales como la administración y gestión de un centro de simulación, toda la planificación y recursos a considerar tanto para la implementación, como para el día a día de estos espacios de aprendizaje.
Pude acompañar en este reencuentro a la nueva presidenta de la Sociedad Chilena de Simulación clínica y Seguridad del Paciente, MD. Soledad Armijo, quien compartió su vasta experiencia en educación basada en simulación en Latinoamérica. En esta ocasión compartió con nosotros la experiencia del modelo de debriefing CORE, y que, a pesar de la distancia, reunió a países de toda América Latina en un entorno virtual de aprendizaje donde pudieron conocer, aprender y aplicar el modelo de debriefing en ejercicios de altas dosis y baja frecuencia.

Otra de las conferencias que me gustaría destacar fue la presentación de los nuevos estándares de buenas prácticas en simulación en salud de INACSL, los cuales son una guía para el desarrollo de los programas de simulación en distintos entornos.
I had left the last lines of this article in the pipeline to be dedicated to the VI Chilean Congress of Clinical Simulation of SOCHISIM, which was held on November 10 and 11 at the University of Tarapacá in the City of Arica, Chile.
The Congress was full of emotions, since as its name RE-UNIENDO Experiencias said, it sought to gather us after 2 years of pandemic in which we continued with the activities, although virtually.
It allowed us to meet again, reflect, share experiences and learning, attending workshops led by the team from the University of Tarapacá, which were of great interest to national and international participants.
In addition to the workshops, conferences were held, within the framework of experiences and innovation in Health careers, such as the implementation of strategies in digital health, telemedicine and clinical debriefing. These conferences were given by speakers from various professions and institutions, such as Physical Therapist / Kinesiologist Ignacio Villagrán, Dr. Emilio Rodriguez, Dr. Sandra Gutierrez, Dr. Carla Prudencio, Dr. Alvaro Priale and Dr. Elena Ríos Barrientos, who highlighted the importance of collaborative and network work, for the development and growth of Simulation in Latin America.
At the end of the congress we paid a visit to the San Miguel de Azapa Archaeological Museum, which preserves the mummies of the Chinchorro culture, characterized by being the oldest in the world. It is presumed that the Chinchorro culture started embalming their dead 7,000 years ago, and they were the oldest aboriginal culture having this custom.
I can tell you that, at the Assembly of Members held during the Congress, the new SOCHISIM 2022-2024 board of directors was elected, and the date and place of the next congress was set, which will be held in the City of Santiago on the 9th and 10th of November 2023. Save the date!