@tecnico_de_simulacion is an Instagram profile created by two Spanish simulation technicians to give visibility to this unique profession. The creators themselves tell us about it. The creators themselves tell us about it.
Making such an unknown job as the Clinical Simulation Technician known is an arduous task. And if not, just ask our colleagues who have fought for visibility (and the creation of adequate training) to standardise this figure.

We are Javi Mora (Simulation Technician at the Campus Docent Sant Joan de Déu) and Juan Carlos Giménez (Simulation Technician at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona) and although the idea of creating a joint Instagram to promote the figure of the Simulation Technician is very recent, we had both worked previously to make it a reality.
Both of us interested in training in the field of clinical simulation, we attended the Master in Simulation Fellowship and Patient Safety and did our final work along similar lines. Although we belong to different simulation centres, with different types of activities and, therefore, also different functions as technicians, we tried to identify those common aspects to enhance this profile together and to deepen and understand a profession that has so much to offer. Broadly speaking, and in a very simplified way, we have delved as much as possible into the profession in order to resolve the doubts that have arisen in the course of our work. We spoke to a hundred or so simulation technicians from different centres to find out their background, previous studies, technological knowledge and the tasks they carried out on a daily basis. Interviews were conducted and all this led to a common work, which was also presented at Sessep 2023 in the form of an oral communication.
The passion and endless curiosity of Javi and Juan Carlos made it possible to enthusiastically pursue an interdisciplinary project, united by their passion for clinical simulation.
And this is only the beginning…