Reflections and actions between the year that has just ended and the new one that begins: Collaboration, Sharing, Cohesion, the key words of SIMMED
Covid-19 has once again highlighted the centrality of safety and the commitment of the Italian government to continue guaranteeing the safety of healthcare. The pandemic has allowed us to understand our weaknesses and the areas in which to direct efforts and greater attention, such as prevention, equity, and sustainability. It is also necessary to evaluate the new necessary professional skills and how to train them, according to homogeneous models for the entire SNS, differentiated by new hires and already structured staff. Finally, it seems necessary to reflect on basic university training programs, specialization schools, health professions and family doctors in order to train personnel capable of acting with full autonomy.

In this context, the common thread of SIMMED in the triennium 2021-2023, therefore, will continue to be promoting the use of simulation as a tool to improve the quality of care and reduce the risk of patients. Likewise, SIMMED will undertake to harmonize the professional profile of the simulation trainer and facilitator at all levels, promoting the exchange of information and training not only between professionals but also, and above all, between simulation centers and laboratories throughout the national territory, bringing together generations of professionals who share knowledge and values.
And with these objectives in mind we are already working. This fall, SIMMED’s Board of Directors met to analyze the Company and agree on a programmatic plan for the next three years. This plan places first the need to promote the cultural growth of Members in the scientific field, for example by regularly organizing moments of multidisciplinary professional updating. We recently inaugurated the new season of SIMMED On Air with the webinar on Simulation as a research tool and 2022 will be full of new appointments. The need to support the centers and laboratories by strengthening the network of SIMMED Simulation Centers and Laboratories and establishing the annual meeting of SIMMED Centers was also recognized.
It is also the will of the Executive to adapt the corporate structure to respond to the new contingent needs and the current regulatory context, strengthening it as a tool for the professional growth of its Members, also through a review of the bylaws to adapt it to the Ministerial Decree of 2 August 2017.
Finally, we believe that it is strategic to consolidate the relationship with national industrial actors, respecting the independence and interests of each one. On November 9 we met at the IR & TeC-AREU with the most important actors in our environment and we shared reflections and intentions. Special thanks to Laerdal Medical, Ambu, Logosnet, Nume Plus, 3B Scientific, and Anatomage who agreed to support us in delivering our 2022 webinars.
Finally, a special thanks to the Risk Management Forum 2021 for hosting a SIMMED workshop this year in the context of the most important scientific forum on health risks, and to prof. Gensini for making it possible.
And let’s not forget the SIMMED 2022 Congress, of which the Save-the-Date will be announced very soon.
We are convinced that 2022 will be full of new opportunities. Our commitment (and I am sure yours too) will be maximum and with this wish we greet you.