SESAM 2022: an auspicious return to Face to Face meetings
The 27th annual meeting will be held at FIBES, Seville, Spain, between June 15th and 17th, and marks the return to F2F encounters, offering a unique opportunity to catch up with the latest innovations on simulation-based activities.
The motto for this year’s program is Building Simulation for Health Challenges, underlying the role of simulation as a diagnosis tool targeting and promoting systems’ efficiency and safety. The scientific program orbits around this theme, with a number of stimulating activities.

Let me walk you through what the SESAM Annual Meeting can offer you.
The core program offers 7 plenary lectures, 18 sessions for abstract discussions, and 40 interactive workshops, distributed over the 3 days. Be prepared to be challenged and inspired by the invited speakers and their engaging and thought-provocative diverse lectures. There are Workshops for all tastes: improve your debriefing skills, try out moulage, or learn more on research methodologies… this is just a glimpse of what you can find.
If you are into research, you cannot miss the opportunity to join the Simulation Research Network (SiReN) meeting (Thursday, June 16th) and connect with novice and expert researchers in a brainstorming around simulation projects. On a different note, if you like competitions, SimUniversity is for you. National teams of undergraduate healthcare students will use their effective teamwork skills to solve challenging clinical simulation scenarios. And, take time to be amazed by the industrial exhibition (with over 30 exhibitors), where cutting-edge technology/solutions are presented and can be experimented.
SESAM 2022 promises 3 days of many interesting and innovative activities. The challenge will be to choose! A huge thank you to the whole Scientific Committee and Program committee for their precious contribution to the success of SESAM 2022!
Hasta Sevilla!
Carla Sà-Couto
Presidential Handover
Marc Lazarovici

Human Simulation Centre, Institute for Emergency Medicine, LMU Munich
Through the desert – Presidency during the COVID-19 pandemic
Coming up to the 2022 SESAM Annual Meeting, which will also mark the end of my presidency, I’m really glad to be able to hand over a stable society to the next president, Francisco Maio Matos. It really feels as if we just crossed the desert – we missed one conference and one AGM, which led to longer terms of all EC members, we had to adapt and organise virtual events, all while balancing the financial stability of the society. I’m most grateful for all the support we received from our members, from all the colleagues involved in various bodies of the society, but also from our management company. I feel these years led to quite some clarifications about the strategy of our society – we managed to identify areas that needed reworking and modernisation, be it in our structures or in our ways of working. Advancing these fields will ensure our society is fit for the future and I’m very happy to hand over this growth and stabilisation process to my successor.
Coming up to the
Francisco Maio Matos
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra Simulation Center
SESAM is part of my familyI feel honored to have the trust and support of SESAM members to be the next president of the Society. SESAM is part of my family and this is the challenge of a lifetime.
I feel honored to have the trust and support of SESAM members to be the next president of the Society. SESAM is part of my family and this is the challenge of a lifetime.
The last few years have been a long and winding road, struggling with many, and different, adversities. Uncertainty hasn’t passed but I’m blessed to receive the presidency of a strong and stable society from Marc Lazarovici. My deepest gratitude for his leadership and hard work. Gratefully he will still be part of the team.
SESAM should have a major role in promoting and coordinating the scientific, educational, and professional activities related to simulation in all European countries and worldwide. All members are connected by a strong bond, and we are excited, determined and committed to promoting the growth of the society in alignment with this vision.
The last few years have been a long and winding road, struggling with many, and different, adversities. Uncertainty hasn’t passed but I’m blessed to receive the presidency of a strong and stable society from Marc Lazarovici. My deepest gratitude for his leadership and hard work. Gratefully he will still be part of the team.
SESAM should have a major role in promoting and coordinating the scientific, educational, and professional activities related to simulation in all European countries and worldwide. All members are connected by a strong bond, and we are excited, determined and committed to promoting the growth of the society in alignment with this vision.

SiRen Meeting
Thursday 16 June

In healthcare, we always recognise emergency vehicles with their sirens and lights, but what is the SiReN at SESAM 2022 in Seville? Well, the story goes back a few years now, to 2018, when the executive committee of SESAM made a plan to bring together simulation researchers from all around Europe and beyond. They had seen the benefits of INSPIRE, the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education, which has, over more than a decade, helped to develop research and funding for pediatric simulation in North America. Could we do something similar for research in Europe? Could we nurture and grow simulation research, supporting individual researchers and the culture of research?
With input and help from colleagues from INSPIRE, the first simulation research network meeting happened in Glasgow in 2019. It brought together some of the leading simulation researchers in Europe, along with those at the earlier stages of their simulation careers, as well as anyone with an interest in simulation research. Over 70 people joined the first meeting, to plan and imagine what the network could do and how it might work. They also supported a handful of early career researchers who presented their ideas as ALERT presentations, and got helpful feedback from more experienced colleagues. We also got our name – SiReN! Although there was no face-to-face meeting in 2020, SiReN was not to be forgotten: in 2021 we had a virtual SiReN event with even more participation than before. Our community was strong, and people wanted to support each other and keep the work going. Now we get to be together in person again, in Seville!
So join us simulation researchers wherever you see the SiReN logo in the SESAM programme. We will be happy to see you and to talk to you about research. On Thursday afternoon, join us for the main SiReN event, where we will come together to support each other and to develop the community of simulation research!
Gabriel Reedy
WHO-SESAM Round Table
The WHO Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) Initiative supports national medical teams to better respond to emergencies and outbreaks. WHO and SESAM are collaborating to develop a guidebook for EMTs in how to plan, implement and evaluate healthcare simulation, based on existing WHO-guidelines and available best-practices. The focus will be on clinical simulations, with standardized simulated patients or manikins, to train clinical skills and teams specifically adapted to the EMT-setting. On June 16th, 2022, experts from the fields of simulation and EMT will gather together to evaluate the results of a literature review exploring the currently published use of simulation to train EMT relevant contexts and to provide insight to the development of the guidebook.
Keynote & State-of-the-Art Speakers
Day 1

Cecilia Berlin
Lou Oberndorf Keynote Lecture
The stakeholders of workplace design change: why they matter and how to find them
This off-topic keynote will explore how a Macroeconomic perspective can shape a definition of which stakeholders are important in a workplace design process. Who matters, why, and how ?
Anna Sigrun Qvindesland
Hot Topic Lecture
Government mandated simulation: Possibilities and responsibilities
We will present InterRegSim – a government mandated network for collaboration in simulation in the Norwegian hospital system. How did we get here? What can we accomplish? How?

Peter Dieckmann
State-of-the-Art Lecture
How simulation can enlarge professionalism in healthcare
Healthcare professionals need much more than “just” knowledge and skills. This lecture explores aspects of professionalism performed by human beings and how simulation can play a role with this.
Day 2
Hege Ersdal
Keynote Lecture
Data-driven quality improvement – adjusting simulations to address gaps in clinical care. Safer Births at scale
How can a daily semi-automatic clinical and training data collection be used by healthcare providers and simulation facilitators to adjust ongoing training and improve clinical care and patient outcomes? I share the ongoing results of the Safer Births project in Tanzania involving 30 labour wards

Demian Syzld
State-of-the-Art Lecture
Implementing Debriefing Programs for Simulation-based Medical Education and for Clinical
Linking theory, evidence and practice, this presentation is a practical look at what is needed to effect change in healthcare and education through debriefing. The presentation will explore methods and strategies from debriefing models and tools to faculty development and evaluation programs for the practice of debriefing in the simulation center and in the hospital.
Day 3
Eve Purdy
Keynote Lecture
The leaky container – managing risks and maximizing rewards of simulation for high performing teams
Can we ask more from our simulation? We’ve seen that sim can lead to learning and better teamwork but maybe it can impact culture too! I explore how simulation shapes values, beliefs, and practices with big consequences for teams and organizations!

David Grant
State-of-the-Art Lecture
Structured Approach to Deliberate Systems Optimisation
Current approaches to safety are failing. Healthcare organisations must embrace an approach that acknowledges complex adaptive systems and creates opportunities for teams to learn by design rather than chance. Empowering them to create reliably safe healthcare systems.