Since 1976, the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) has revolutionized nursing education with its innovative simulation practices and global standards. Emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration, it continues to lead in nursing simulation, driving advancements in healthcare education and research, while fostering inclusivity and international partnerships.
Exclusive partnership with

The International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) began the journey to simulation excellence in 1976. The original group of educators created a space for nurse educators to collaborate and discuss psychomotor skill education and learning resources best practice. Over 20 years later, as practice in the skills laboratory setting began to shift to the use of advanced technology, Learning Resource Center conference attendees determined there was interest in the establishment of an organization to provide ongoing support and resources to the nursing skills laboratories and simulation community of practice. Thus the inception of what is currently known as INACSL.
In 2003 INACSL was officially incorporated as an organization. The founding Co-Presidents, Drs.Debra Spunt and Teri Boese, created a structure of co-presidency to ensure INACSL was built on a solid foundation, creating a stable and sustainable organization. The structure eventually shifted to a presidential structure of having an immediate past president that maintains consistency and historical perspective to the Board (Laura Gonzalez 2023), a current president that begins officially after the annual conference (Desiree A. Díaz), and an onboarding year of president-elect (Ashley Franklin). The three presidents serve with a Board of Directors to ensure the mission, vision and core values of the organization move forward in an innovative and positive direction.
Over the last 20 years, INACSL has made great strides in impacting the global simulation community. Our inclusive nature of all nursing simulationists around the world was the catalyst for developing, creating, and using systematic reviews to formulate the interdisciplinary Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice (HSSOBP) in 2011. These standards combine the intellectual power of many disciplines across many countries. Advancing one of the strategic goals, embrace the international community, the HSSOBPTM are a free download and available in numerous other languages. All translations adhere to best practice of translation.
INACSL has led nursing innovation and science in simulation through its tenure as an interdisciplinary organization. The global membership has embraced the science around simulation pedagogy and worked diligently to design, generate, and test strategies that not only impact nursing but all healthcare professions. We strive for inclusivity and diversity within the simulation world keeping in alignment with our core values. We recognize the importance of building relationships across simulation organizations by building strong partnerships with our affiliates.
The organization is strong, impactful, and eager to transform lives with the advancement of simulation practice, education and research. We look forward to continued growth and success in the next decade as we collectively meet the needs of the nursing community and continue to be an interdisciplinary collaborator and resource internationally.