EEDUSIM project was launched to support 5 European countries in developing simulation-based curricula
The European Project EEDUSIM had its official kick-off on November 22nd 2022 with an event hosted online by the University of Padua. EEDUSIM stands for training in hEalthcare EDUcatIon with SIMulation and its aim is to design a course to train healthcare educators in simulation. The project has been funded with the first round of the KA220 HED European Erasmus+ Programme for Cooperation Partnerships for higher education. EEDUSIM will see the cooperation of three European higher education institutions (HEI), the University of Padova (UNIPD, Italy), the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (LMU, Germany), the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures (UMFST, Romania), one industrial partner, MetamedicsVR (MM, Spain) and two associated partners, Centro di Simulazione (CeSi, Switzerland) and SESAM (Germany).
«At the department of Medicine, we strongly believe in simulation as an effective method of teaching healthcare professionals. Thanks to this project, we hope to spread the adoption of this technique.»
Prof Novalesi, coordinator of the Project from the University of Padua, who opened the meeting
«I’m proud that our project has been selected and funded. We have designed it with some ambitious goals. With the help of our skilful partners we are confident that we will be able to achieve what we planned»
Dr Mormando, responsible for one of the project work groups.
Representatives from all the institutions participating in the Project have highlighted the importance of this scientific initiative, renewing their commitment and support to the Consortium of partners, and the interest toward the tangible nature of the Project.
The plan is to reach significant outcomes within 24 months, which will contribute to improvements in the simulation-based education at European level. The project goal is, in fact, to enable HEIs and educators to develop curricula involving simulation, by providing a comprehensive training course on simulation in healthcare. The course will be complete, as it will cover all the different aspects of simulation in healthcare education: in addition, it will be validated, standardized and developed connecting different European countries. The project will also be future-proof. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) recently emerged as tools that complement traditional simulation devices and overcome some of their limits. By studying these technologies, developing some new features and using many of them in the pilot course, the project will facilitate the future adoption of these technologies in Europe.
A web platform for the project contents will also be developed and serve as a virtual campus where trainers and learners will be able to access all the learning materials and engage with one another. A course handbook will be also created and be made freely available on the web platform to foster the adoption of simulation in medical education curricula.
All partners will collaborate in the project and contribute to all the activities of the different work groups. More information about the specific activities can be found at the project website.
For more information about EEDUSIM, please write to

Giulia Mormando, Beatriz Zambrano Serrano, Marc Lazarovici, Cristian Boeriu