The Spanish company Codimg organized on November 3rd the “International Meeting on Digitalization in Clinical Simulation”. An online event that brought together experts from Spain, Italy, Switzerland and Latin America.
Written with the contribution of Codimg
A panel of top-level speakers from both sides of the Atlantic met online to explore the digitization of clinical simulation from different perspectives. As a link between all of them -the perfect excuse for Codimg to sponsor this meeting-, is the use of this tool for studying human behavior through videos in all the centers that participated in the meeting. A software that allows streamlining and standardizing the sessions while generating a database with audiovisual evidence.

This was attested by Paloma Rodríguez, director of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz School of Nursing (Spain), who classified Codimg as a “strategic incorporation with which to achieve the objective of becoming a paperless school,since with this software we achieve that all the rubrics are digital and, therefore, we can work in a much more agile way. In addition, by having all sessions recorded and documented, Codimg allows us to create databases and prepare research work, such as articles or studies, that we could not have done otherwise. “The program allows us to see and analyze with an incredible level of detail how we act and how we handle different situations,” added Alejandro Martínez, Simulation professor at the same center.
Ease, portability and real-time feedback
Óscar Martínez, gynecologist and Simulation Coordinator in Obstetric Emergencies at Hospital Puerta de Hierro (Spain), highlighted the simplicity of use of the program and its ability to be adapted to any center, as well as its ability to offer instant feedback. «The portability of the system is essential, because it allows us to mount it anywhere. We are able to record simulated clinical scenarios, in which we incorporate our checklists and then do a much shorter debriefing right after the simulated clinical scenario,” explained Dr. Martínez. His colleague José Alberto Suárez del Arco, anesthetist and member of the same simulation team, delved into the simple assembly of the program and its versatility of use. «We had a system that was practically fixed and was a nuisance. Now, with Codimg we can give a course today in Mallorca, tomorrow in Burgos and the day after tomorrow in Madrid”, he argued in this regard.

Codimg, the ‘Swiss army knife’ of simulation
The intensivist, teacher and researcher at the Vall d’Hebrón Hospital (Spain) Marcos Pérez referred to Codimg as the ‘Swiss army knife’ of simulation, since the versatility that the product offers to users “allows us to use it from the most simple simulation with a basic checklist to highly complex and high-fidelity simulations at a multiprofessional level, which allows us to enrich our work exponentially”.
From Brazil to Switzerland
Other professionals from different parts of Latin America also participated in this event. André Barros, coordinator of the Sao Camilo Realistic Simulation Center in Brazil; Edgar Quenta, head of the Stomatology Simulation Center of the Cayetano Heredia University (Peru) or the renowned Edgar Herrera, president of the Mexican Society for Simulation in Health Sciences, among others.
There was Italian-Swiss representation at the event with the presence of an expert in the field such as the scientific director of the Center for Simulation of Lugano (CeSi), Pier Luigi Ingrassia, who highlighted during his speech the importance of the data obtained and its homogeneity to draw scientifically valid conclusions. “We all have to collect data and do it in a uniform and standard way if we want to carry out perfect simulation research studies. Tools like Codimg favor us in an incredible way”, he concluded.

The “International Meeting on Digitization in Clinical Simulation” was mentored by Dr. Armando Romanos-Rodríguez, director of the Spanish center IAVANTE – Fundación Progreso y Salud and with the collaboration of several companies that represent Codimg around the world and some specialized media, such as SIMZINE.
Codimg has been working in the field of clinical simulation for several years. In the last couple of years, it has expanded its presence in Latin America. Today, its programs allow dozens of hospitals around the world to facilitate evaluation and learning, through the identification of key moments and their accurate review.
Watch the video of “Encuentro Internacional sobre Digitalización en Simulación Clínica” here