SIM Science Recap: an AI enhanced podcast for a quick update on the scientific literature

May Sissel Vadla
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SIM Science Recap delivers concise updates on healthcare simulation and education, combining AI efficiency with human expertise to ensure quality and relevance

I am excited to share the novel Podcast series, SIM Science Recap

The goal for the Podcast series is to provide a go-to source for quick, bite-sized updates on the latest in scientific literature and other relevant topics for the healthcare simulation and education community. 

This is still very much an experiment, exploring the feasibility of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create podcasts on various topics within simulation-based education and patient safety. 

How does it work? 

I personally select the topics and papers to ensure both relevance and quality. Then, instead of spending hours writing scripts and recording in a studio, AI takes over the resource-intensive aspects of podcast production, streamlining the process while maintaining a high standard of content. Finally, I will ensure that the script aligns with the cited papers, conduct a quality check on the audio file, and have native speakers in Italian and Spanish proofread the scripts for the translated podcasts.

The papers selected as sources for the podcast will be peer-reviewed papers published under Creative Commons (CC) licenses for open access. The podcast episodes will not focus on detailed analysis but provide overviews of relevant topics. I am currently using Wondercraft AI as an AI tool, as it provides opportunities for editing the script and the audio file, as well as providing translation into several languages. However, since this is an experiment, new AI tools will be tested as they become available.

In conclusion, this podcast series reflects a true collaboration between human expertise and artificial intelligence capabilities. Hopefully this experiment will result in a monthly podcast on a variety of topics related to healthcare simulation and education. This blend of human insight and AI efficiency aims to pilot a new and fresh approach to sharing knowledge. If you have any suggestions for topics, you would like me to explore and potentially present in this format, please feel free to send me an email or leave a message in the “Leave a Comment” box below. 

I hope you find this project both useful and engaging!

Transparency Statement: Human-AI Collaboration

The podcasts are created through a collaboration between human expertise and AI capabilities:

Human Contributions:

  • Select the topic and perform a literature review to identify key trends.
  • Choose seven peer-reviewed, open-access papers for analysis.
  • Proof-read and revise the AI-generated summary, script and quality assured the audio-file.

AI Contributions (Wondercraft):

  • Synthesize insights and identify key themes from the selected papers.
  • Analyse data and highlighted patterns across the research.
  • Draft content into a coherent and engaging narrative.
  • Translate the podcast to different languages. 

1st Episode TITLE: Artificial Intelligence in healthcare simulation

INTRO TEXT: We are still in the early stages, but some pioneering simulationists have already begun exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence in various aspects of simulation-based education. This AI-generated podcast highlights several of these initiatives and examines systematic reviews of AI’s educational applications in simulation, drawing insights from peer-reviewed papers. It is likely that many more initiatives and studies are underway, and the body of published literature on this topic is expected to expand significantly in the coming years.

Enjoy listening!


May Sissel Vadla

May Sissel Vadla

SAFER, Stavanger and the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen View all Posts

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