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Alison Davis
Alison Davis

Simulation Purchasing Power

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Interview with FLASIC’s new President, Federico Ferrero

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Giulio Fenzi
Giulio Fenzi

Less is More: ¡Enjoy Simulation Please!

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

TacMed Simulation™: Leading the way in Medical Simulators

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Fouad Marhar
Fouad Marhar

7 tips to become a good debriefer

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Laura Gonzalez
Laura Gonzalez

The Road to Quality Simulation: Endorsement by INACSL

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Lose to Win—Three Ways Simulation Can Help You Achieve Excellence in Healthcare

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

A day in the life of a simulation journal editor: Gabriel Reedy

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Bridging Theory and Practice: MVR-Nursing Simulator Available from Nasco Healthcare

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