Ultrasound-Guided Pericardiocentesis Simulator
Synthetic model of torso for needle insertion under ultrasound guidance.
SIMventory is a resource designed to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of simulation devices used in healthcare education and clinical risk reduction. This collection offers detailed fact sheet with technical information, key parameters, and reviews based on the experience of those who use them.
SIMventory serves as an intuitive guide for students, educators, and institutions, helping them navigate the everyday more and more large market of simulation tools and software to find the best fit for their training needs. It features a diverse range of simulators, from task trainers for practical skill development to virtual reality software, from screen-based simulators for surgical abilities to wearables devices for simulated patients.
The information is organized into three key categories:
By consolidating these details in one place, SIMventory aims to streamline the selection process and support better planning for effective simulation-based education.
Synthetic model of torso for needle insertion under ultrasound guidance.
A suit to resamble the look and size of an obese patient. Also weight can be added through special pouches inside the suit [e.g. adding sand bags]
Adult knee synthetic model for injection and aspiration of synovial fluid from the knee joint, both laterally and medially, by palpation or ultrasound guidance.
Airway management synthetic simulator, popularized due to the manufacturer's decision to release designs for 3D printing of solid manikin components
Adult patient simulator, designed to do training anywhere, since no control center is required. It is available in different versions with different features and services offered. What it makes is unique is a speech recognition with artificial intelligence voice which responses in Spanish, French, German and English. It allows live stream and/or record patient perspective during simulated cases through its iris cam. Two different skin tones are also available.
3D simulation of actual human bodies enabling users to explore the world’s most realistic human anatomy through a virtual reality headset
Virtual Patient Encounter software to to enhance learner's decision-making and critical thinking skills in a variety of environments. Based on its physiological algorithm, the patient’s condition progresses over time, and in accordance with learner's treatment plan. Among the very first software developed to perform clinical cases
The Basic Open Surgical Skills (BOSS) Techincal Skills Starter Package is a flexible platform for developing basic to advanced technical surgical skills. The platform combines task features to practice instrument handling, suturing, injection, and knot tying techniques. Its easy-to-clean platform for synthetic or cadaveric task modules and ergonomic design make it an excellent skill-building tool.
Synhetic model of head, neck and torso for airway managment. Thanks to a dedicated App and electronic sensors positioned inside the device, it can automatically detect the main maneuvers performed by the learners
Synthetic model of the upper women body combined with a ultrasound training solution to perform standard obstetric measurements and calculations on different fetal positions for ultrasound probe handling, image interpretation, diagnoses and clinical decision-making. It contains more than 50 pathologies in the first and second trimesters (8, 12, and 20 weeks). It integrates a video conferencing platforms and a simplified visual capture for remote learners.
Synthetic model that reproduces life-size female and male pelvis, with interchangeable genital annexes, designed for the practice of gastrointestinal care procedures with urological and rectal access. Among the manufacturer's workhorses known for ease of use
Immersive room consisting of projectors for walls, floor, and sensors that make the walls touch. Special emphasis on ease of use with software developed by Gener8, Intuiface and all software optimized for the room.
Serious game in virtual reality that allows one or more users to perform exercises in different settings while being able to interact directly with their surroundings and the patient.
Interactive simulator, combining computer to create virtual environments for simulating real-world scenarios, and haptic devices to provide haptic feedback, to allow users to learn key aspects of invasive procedures. It is equipped with many advanced instrument motion and position sensors, in-depth training analysis with an individual learning curve for each user, and a computer with built-in interactive training programs.
Synhetic model of neck torso to perform or assist in implementing needle or surgical cricothyrotomy procedures.
Synhetic model of child head and neck for suture practice. It comes with scalpel, forceps, needle holder, scissors, one nylon suture, simulated blood, and baby powder.
Learning platform, multiplayer, designed to replicate a patient room where learners can join remotely. Specific equipments displaying real-time medical signs and signals, can be shared through links (e.g., defibrillator, respirator)
The advanced life support manikin for realistic training focusing on a wide variety of advanced lifesaving skills for pre-hospital emergencies from advanced airway scenarios to IV therapy. Workhorse in its category, for the quality - price ratio
It is a medium-fidelity simulator focused on ALS exercise because it fully complies with the manikin characteristics required by major certifications. The manikin is easy to maintain due to the easy retrieval of parts from the manufacturer's website.
Interactive simulator, combining computer to create virtual environments for simulating real-world scenarios, and haptic devices to provide haptic feedback, for arthroscopic surgery skills acquisition. It can be equipped with a sinthetic fully articulated knee model [it can be extended/bent and be applied with Varus/Valgus], shoulder model in beach chair and lateral decubitus positions, and hip model in supine and lateral decubitus positions.
Pediatric patient manikin designed for CPR skills and team training. It can be upgraded for advanced airway management training
Synhetic model of arm for intravenous injection training. Arterial pulses at the radial and brachial sites is automatically generated by a micro pump mounted inside of the device, enableing to control arterial blood flow allowing for variable heart rate and pulse strength. Arteriovenous fistulas and placement of AV grafts can be created with interchangeable arterial and venous inserts within the forearm. A simulated healed fistula insert can also be used to perform hemodialysis exercises.
Synthetic model of arm for intravenous injection training. Cheap and compact enough
Interactive simulator, combining computer to create virtual environments for simulating real-world scenarios, and haptic devices to provide haptic feedback, for TURP, TURB, and Laser Enucleation of the Prostate with Thulium (ThuLEP) or Holmium (HoLEP) training.
The Whole Body Clinical Response - Resuscitate (WBS CRU-R) is an advanced adult patient simulator designed for complex scenarios such as trauma and emergencies. With robust construction, clinical realism and state-of-the-art functionality, it is the ideal solution for medical training in tactical and military environments.