SIM In Short
Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Collaborative Clinical Simulation Manual – Manual de simulación colaborativa

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Próximas Conferencias de Simulación 2024 – 2025

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Redazione SIMZINE

To Err is Human, To Teach VR

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Operations, Technology, and Innovative Practice

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Fouad Marhar
Fouad Marhar

Los mejores podcasts sobre simulación sanitaria

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Las principales conferencias a las que debes asistir en 2024

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Emanuele Capogna
Emanuele Capogna

Entre el «síndrome del impostor» y la carga cognitiva

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Emanuele Capogna
Emanuele Capogna

Experiencia de los debriefers e inteligencia artificial

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Emanuele Capogna
Emanuele Capogna

Inteligencia artificial y blockchain también para la formación

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Licia Montagna
Licia Montagna

Medical professionalism e costruzione dell’identità professionale negli studenti di medicina

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Redazione SIMZINE

Habilidades no técnicas, SimZone y debriefing

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Serena Ricci
Serena Ricci

The Comprehensive Textbook of Healthcare Simulation

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Emanuele Capogna
Emanuele Capogna

¿La simulación neonatal funciona?

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Practical Guide to Simulation in Delivery Room Emergencies

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Redazione SIMZINE


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Redazione SIMZINE

Simulation Training through the Lens of Experience and Activity Analysis

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Redazione SIMZINE

Escenarios de simulación médica gratuitos

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Emanuele Capogna
Emanuele Capogna

Un concurso para técnicos de simulación

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Emanuele Capogna
Emanuele Capogna

En simulación, las emociones son reales

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Rosaria Lea
Rosaria Lea

Paciente simulado: 10 consejos para aprovecharlo al máximo

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Why Hospitals Should Fly: The Ultimate Flight Plan to Patient Safety and Quality Care

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Defining Excellence in Simulation Programs / Il Debriefing dopo lo Scenario

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Emanuele Capogna
Emanuele Capogna

Metaverso, Simulación y Entrenamiento

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Franc Jeffrey
Franc Jeffrey

6 pasos para diseñar tu estudio de investigación en simulación

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Podcast sobre Simulación

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Alessandro Barelli
Alessandro Barelli

10 consejos prácticos para montar la sala de simulación

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Emanuele Capogna
Emanuele Capogna

RCP en la montaña y Motion Tracking

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Redazione SIMZINE
Redazione SIMZINE

Eserciziario di Anatomia Umana / Neonatal Simulation: A Practical Guide

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Redazione SIMZINE

Revistas científicas sobre Simulación

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