The VIII SOCHISIM 2024 Congress, under the theme “Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Simulation: Exploring the Horizon of Innovation”, will be held in Puerto Montt on November 7 and 8. This event will bring together simulationists from different areas to explore advances in artificial intelligence and its impact on healthcare training.
The VIII SOCHISIM 2024 Congress will be held at the Patagonia Campus of the San Sebastian University in Puerto Montt, under the slogan: “Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Simulation: Exploring the Horizon of Innovation”. This event will be a unique space for learning and collaboration for simulationists: academics, technicians, simulated patients, managers and researchers.
The goal of the conference is to address advances in clinical simulation and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), analyzing how AI is transforming healthcare career training and simulated environments. By combining AI with clinical simulation, more dynamic, accurate and customized technical/technological educational scenarios can be created; as well as a powerful tool for scenario designers and corresponding evaluative tools.
Highlights of the Program
The congress will feature a series of lectures and workshops led by renowned international experts. Some of the most expected speakers include:
– Walter Eppich, Professor of Work Integrated Research in a joint role between the faculty’s Collaborative Practice Centre and the Department of Medical Education in the Melbourne Medical School. Professor Eppich currently serves as Professor and Chair of the SIM Centre for Simulation Education and Research at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) University of Medicine and Health Science in Dublin.
– Mindi Anderson, Associate Dean for Simulation and Immersive Learning, Professor, Healthcare Simulation Graduate Program Director, Central Florida University.
– Frank Guido-Sanz, Associate Professor Central Florida University, PhD, Florida International University
– Peter Dieckmann, Professor University of Stavanger, Senior Researcher CAMES Bestätigte
– Andrés Díaz, Intensivist, Fellow in Clinical Simulation, PhD in Education. General Director Simulation and Innovation Universidad San Sebastián
Attendees will be able to participate in a wide range of interactive activities, such as keynote lectures, academic and company workshops, a scientific chapter with oral and poster presentations, a large commercial exhibition with leading companies in Latin America and the world, as well as enjoy networking and camaraderie in one of the most beautiful cities in Chile.

Why did we choose the theme of Artificial Intelligence?
This year’s theme, “Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Simulation”, was selected for its relevance in the evolution of healthcare training. AI not only improves accuracy in simulation, but also facilitates the creation of highly personalized and adaptive scenarios that are responsive to the specific needs of learners and healthcare professionals. As clinical simulation becomes a more robust tool in teaching, AI provides a platform to optimize these processes, helping professionals deal with complex situations more confidently and effectively. This congress seeks to unlock those possibilities and discuss how AI can be implemented safely and effectively.
Expectations for the Congress
The SOCHISIM 2024 Congress has as its mission not only to deepen the use of AI, but also interdisciplinary exchange, where technical, ethical and methodological skills will be put into practice through participatory workshops. This event promises to be a catalyst for the growth of clinical simulation in Chile, with a view to its international development.
In addition, the congress will be an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of southern Chile, in an environment that encourages reflection and collaborative work.
For more details, those interested can consult the official website of the SOCHISIM 2024 Congress.